5 Common Product Design Mistakes Junior Designers Make(And How to Avoid Them)

Kelley Gordon

As a junior product designer, you strive for perfection every day and strive to pursue excellence in every aspect of the design process. The design profession is intricate, and there may be several other mistakes that you could make when you are just starting out.

1. Not doing enough research and understanding the user.

One of the most common product design mistakes junior designers make is not completely understanding the user.

Without a thorough understanding of the user’s needs, preferences, and behaviour, it is challenging to create a product that meets their expectations.

To avoid this mistake, you should conduct user research and gather insights about the target audience. User research can involve various methods such as interviews, surveys, and observation to understand the user’s pain points and motivations.

In addition to user research, you can also conduct user testing to validate their assumptions and gather feedback on the product’s usability. User testing can be done through prototypes, mockups, or a minimum viable product (MVP) to ensure that the design meets the user’s needs and expectations.

2. You focus on aesthetics over usability.

Another common mistake a lot of junior product designers make is focusing too much on aesthetics over usability.

While aesthetics are essential, if a product looks good but is challenging to use, it will not provide an excellent user experience.

To avoid this mistake, designers should prioritize usability over aesthetics. This involves conducting user research to understand the user’s needs and preferences and designing with those needs in mind.

As designers you should prioritize usability by conducting user research, considering the product’s context of use, conducting usability testing, and iterating based on user feedback. By doing so, designers can create products that are both visually appealing and user-friendly, providing an excellent user experience

3. Overcomplicating the design leads to user decrease.

Overcomplicating the design is a common mistake in product design where designers try to incorporate too many features or elements into the product, making it difficult to use and understand.

This mistake can result in user frustration and confusion and ultimately lead to a poor user experience. If your designs and flows are too complicated a user won’t finish them.

To avoid this mistake, designers should focus on simplicity and clarity in their design. This involves identifying the core functionalities of the product and prioritizing them over secondary features. Designers should also consider the context of use, ensuring that the product is easy to use in real-world scenarios.

Another way to avoid overcomplicating the design is by using familiar design patterns and conventions. Users are familiar with certain design patterns, such as a search bar or hamburger menu, and incorporating these into the design can make it more intuitive and easier to use.

4. You need to design for accessibility and inclusivity.

Not considering accessibility is a significant mistake a lot of junior designers make, where they overlook the needs of users with disabilities, making it difficult for them to use the product. Accessibility is critical because it ensures that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can use the product with ease and independence.

Read best practices to make product design more accessible here.

To avoid this mistake, designers should prioritize accessibility and consider it as an essential aspect of the design process. This involves following established accessibility guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which provide a framework for making digital products accessible to users with disabilities.

5. Ignoring the Scalability of the product.

When a product is designed without considering scalability, it can lead to issues such as slow load times, poor performance, and the need for costly redesigns in the future.

To avoid this mistake, designers should consider scalability from the outset of the design process. This involves designing the product in a way that allows for easy expansion, updates, and modifications in the future. For example, designers should consider using a modular design approach, where each module can be easily modified or replaced to adapt to future needs.

Finally, designers should consider the product’s long-term goals and plan for future growth and expansion. This includes identifying potential future features, anticipating user needs and behaviour, and designing the product with flexibility and adaptability in mind.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, designing a product can be a thrilling experience for designers as they get to create innovative solutions and help people. However, it is crucial to be aware of the mistakes that can occur during the design process.

By familiarizing yourself with common design mistakes, you can avoid them and create better products. It is essential to invest time in learning design theory rather than making costly mistakes in practice.

Ultimately, by staying informed, learning from mistakes, and prioritizing user needs, designers can develop exceptional products that not only meet but exceed user expectations.


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